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Travis I. Sivart, Author & Podcaster is fortunate to have found success and a loyal following of fans. This reputation has led to him being featured in a number of different articles and media profiles. He has also been a guest, panelist, and speaker at dozens of events and conventions, many of them inviting him back each year.


A few of these are; Con of the Mountain, VandaliaConConTemporalMystiCon, TeslaConSteampunk's World FairMarsConMonsterFestGeekMobRavenConWyvaCon, Steampunk Symposium, FantaSci, and more.


As a podcaster, Travis has spoken on hundreds of topics, by himself or with a guest, including music, media, writing, pop culture, history, science, cosplay, and so much more.


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REVIEWS & AWARDS Reader's Choice Award 2014 & 2015

Featured Author on FreeBooksy


Re: Portals, Book1, Beliefs & Black Magic

"*I was blown away from page one; the story starts at full speed and barely slows down to let you breathe. At first, I though following three different characters learn about a new fantasy world and find their purpose in it would be too meta - but it isn't. Three people are taken from Earth as we know it, and wake up in another world--one full of danger and evil that must be overcome. The characters are all different, with varied strengths and weaknesses. I think you will find one you can connect with, but don't worry, you'll root for all of them to make it through to the end. If you like sword and sorcery and dungeons and dragons, this is a book you will love."

~Tara Moeller, Professional Editor & Author


Re: Silver & Smith and the Jazeer's Light

"If you like flat, boring characters, then this author's works are not for you! You will love Silver's relationship with Hank. He is a larger than life guy, while Hank is a sniper in archeologists clothing, not the little lady in need of saving! Strap on your big boy or girl pants and settle in for a rollicking great adventure!"

~Greg C., Amazon Reviewer


Re: Silver & Smith and the Doppelganger's Gate

"Author Travis I. Sivart is happy to put the reader in the jump seat with bounty hunters on a deadly mission to break into a fortress heavily guarded physically and electronically. Silver, a business owner and bounty hunter, and Smith, an archeologist, and their crew will retrieve the highly valued, and powerful because of it's ability to translate ancient documents, Cat's-Eye Moonstone for their client. As some old rhymes indicate, the cat just keeps coming back into their lives, and this global, labyrinthian, odd creature filled race is on!
It won't be only this reader who appreciates Sivart for having multi-talented, strong female characters without making a big flipping deal about it, as well as not telegraphing the events ahead.
Oh, yeah, there may be creatures, some humanlike, from earth's younger eras, with sufficient actual ancient documents to predict, describe and come tantalizingly close to explaining or providing conveyance to other worlds and knowledge. Or, not."

~Jennifer Perry, Podcaster & Interviewer of the Stars


Re: Journal of a Stranger

"This author is quickly becoming a family favorite! Witty and though provoking, Sivart has inspired much discussion regarding his delightful characters and the scenarios surrounding the time traveling adventures of Jack."

~Michael C., Amazon Reviewer


Re: The Downfall, Book 1, Harbinger

"As a stand alone novel from any author this would be a work to be righteously pleased of; as the first part of a series that promises more of the same it heralds the arrival on the scene of a new writer who has the potential to create a vast and gripping story arc spanning many books, which could easily be compared to the work of other household names who specialize in the multi-book epic format (Martin, Jordan, Sanderson et al spring to mind as obvious examples). Having enjoyed it so much personally, I hope Sivart finds the numbers to his coming audience that his carefully constructed and gripping world deserves, and that more installments of this story are swiftly forthcoming. Congratulations for crafting a novel that took a surprising hold on me for the entire duration of the reading experience, and here's to (hopefully) having discovered a relatively new talent that could swiftly take firm place in my collection of 'would re-read multiple times' collection of stories."

~Kevin Crew, International Blogger & Reviewer


Re: Aetheric Elements Anthology 

"Aetheric Elements, an anthology of short stories set in numerous historical eras, from an imagined Middle Ages to a Steampunk-style Wild West to a subjugated planet setting reminiscent of H.G.Wells' "War Of The Worlds". Sivart presents them all well, using various styles to tell the tales - a conversation in a bar for one story, third-person recollections for another, excerpts from a journal in the style of Bram Stoker's "Dracula". The common thread in all the tales, however, is Sivart's attention to detail - despite choosing the short-story format, the tales are packed with vivid description, giving the reader a 'front-row seat' experience seldom found in the short story arena."

~Richard Knowles, Amazon Reviewer


Re: Croaker Norge Case Files

"Master Storyteller Travis Sivart combines the surprise of fantasy with the humor and plain speak of Mark Twain to bring you a collection of stories to delight your imagination. Very well suited to be read aloud as well, Sivart's pacing is perfect. You can read the stories in any order, but I urge you to read them in the order they appear, as the characters grow in each other's begrudged esteem. Best story collection I've read in a decade!"

~Jeanne M. Wilkins, Reviewer


Re: 27 Thoughts on Enjoying Life

"This book makes you think. So many self help books are long, complicated, and impossible to follow, but here is a simple book to ponder, and to actually help enjoy life at the most basic level!"

~Greg Chapman, Movie Producer


Re: Steampunk for Simpletons

"I remember the 1st time I heard the word Steampunk. Which later drove me to Travis. What you think you know about Steampunk may not be even close! Unless you're a Steampunk expert, which I doubt anyone is. Since Steampunk is ever changing. You must read this book! It covers everything from Victorian, BubbleGoth, Gadgets, clothing, Cosplay, tea and more in the Steampunk gene. So, order this book, get comfortable and brew a fresh cup of Mad Hatter Tea!"

~Mickey Wonderland, Influencer 


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